Fastest Wordpress themes tested for Post page/Mobile - Page:24

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Mobile
1151. Cazuela 1.0.3 slobodanmanic 78
1152. Just Pink 1.4.1 tatianeps 78
1153. zeeCompany 1.5 ThemeZee 78
1154. tpSunrise 1.2.7 eehrgott 78
1155. Earth Pro 1.0.5 vainfotech 78
1156. Bliss 0.1.3 mardesco 78
1157. Orbit 1.1.5 pintomena 78
1158. Green Apples 4.4 RoseCitySister 78
1159. LightWord andreiluca 78
1160. Alleria 1.3.6 ChainKiller 78
1161. RedPro 4.0.2 fasterthemes 78
1162. NuvioFutureMag Red 1.3 Payne92 78
1163. WP Inspire Writer 1.8 inspirenxt 78
1164. Bartleby 2.0.1 cardiganmedia 78
1165. Tender Spring 1.0.11 dodo 78
1166. LifeLog 1.0.0 turtlepod 78
1167. Vivacity 1.5 vivacityinfotech.jaipur 78
1168. NuvioLiquid Green 1.3 Payne92 78
1169. PrimePress 1.4.1 Ravi Varma 78
1170. Stark Lite 1.0.8 nitkr 78
1171. gimliii bravokeyl 78
1172. K2 1.0.3 Michael 78
1173. Prose 1.1 csthemes 78
1174. zeeLinear 1.0.3 ThemeZee 78
1175. Sagan 1.9 cardiganmedia 78
1176. Matisse 2.0.1 tommek 78
1177. JBST Masonary 1.0.4 bassjobsen 78
1178. Deux Milles Douze 1.3.4 crondeau 78
1179. Yume 2.3 stefan002377 78
1180. Painter 2.5 stallefish 78
1181. Annarita 1.1.0 AurelioDeRosa 78
1182. opal 1.2.5 talentedaamer 78
1183. Jester 1.0.2 stephencottontail 78
1184. raze 1.8 divjotsingh_440 78
1185. Exact 1.02 HannahOwen 78
1186. Rustic 2.1.6 Patrick Bagby 78
1187. Letterhead 2.0.0 78
1188. daffodil 1.1.13 dodo 78
1189. Blue River 1.0.1 vld7 78
1190. Uridimmu 0.1.2 trsenna 78
1191. monochrome 3.0.4 mono-lab 78
1192. Writer 1.0 bhadaway 78
1193. Threadz 1.4 78
1194. Panel 1.0.8 automattic 78
1195. WP Framework 0.3.6 ptahdunbar 78
1196. Pelham 1.0.3 ZaneMatthew 78
1197. Rembrandt 2.0.2 tommek 78
1198. Evening Shade 4.1 PyroCode 78
1199. Codium 1.4 riri23 78
1200. D5 COLORFUL 1.5.1 d5creation 78
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